Visual Arts Exhibition @Aigaia by students of tertiary programs



Visual Arts Exhibition @Aigaia by students of tertiary programs


The end of year show at Aigaia, gives the opportunity to our students to present their artwork in a professional environment.

This is usually the first professional exposure of their work as young artists to an audience, as individuals or in their year groups.

The exhibition previews their long, difficult but exciting journey and involvement in the Visual arts in Cyprus and of abroad. The high level of creative and innovative education is reflected in the visual language and messages of the students’ artworks. These works highlight our school’s aims to be pioneers in the creation of a Contemporary Visual Culture in Cyprus.

The exhibition will open on 1st July 2022 @20:30, at our premises in 81, Agion Omologiton Str. 

The exhibition will be open from Monday-Friday 4-8 July @17:00-20:00.



22 445757,

Facebook: Aigaia School of art & design

Instagram: aigaiaschoolofart
